Sunday, March 1, 2009

Conservatives Arise

There have been a number of prominent conservatives at the recent CPAC convention, many of them touting the same message. "We must return to our conservative roots in order to win back control of the country". The problem I have with that is what they did when they were in control. The acted like Democrats! Spending billions of dollars, wasting money (our money!) and generally acting as if all they wished to do was get reelected. I say we get rid of them all, and start over. We conservatives should determine whether the people we are voting for will actually stand up for our beliefs and if they don't, then just say NO! I'm very tired of listening to politically correct Senators and Congressmen who don't wish to offend anyone. What I want is someone who will stand up, state his/her beliefs and don't back down. If the liberals are offended, so be it!

1 comment:

skousenmom said...

I agree! We just need to get rid of all of them. They have all lost sight of who they really work for.---the american people. Not the special interest groups with money or the lobbyists! Enough is enough!