Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More and More Obama

Is anyone worried about the state of the world? How about the fact that the United States is no longer looked to as the leader of the freeworld or for promoting democracy? It sure did not take long for Obama to bring us to our knees, did it? Change we can live with...ha ha ha! What a joke! The reason our revered president does not wish to confront the dictators in North Korea or Iran is because he sympathizes with them...they are what he wishes to be. If they are overthrown or challenged in any way, he too can be in that same boat. What is he going to do, except talk? Nothing! Not a damn thing. In fact, he'll release more Islamic extremists to help them. If you don't believe me, then why hasn't he condemned the al Qaeda execution of three Christian missionaries in Yemen? Guess who did the dirty deed? A Gitmo released prisoner. Way to go Obama, I always did think you were an Islamic sympathizer!

Monday, June 15, 2009

Lamenting again

I am once again lamenting the fact that the American people are so ignorant that they would vote an individual into the highest office in the land without knowing anything about him. It's interesting to me that there continues to be individuals defending his actions. Let's see what he has accomplished in the first five months of his presidency; he immediately shut down Gitmo and has started moving prisoners to America and other lands (ie; Bermuda where four terrorists are now residing in a posh hotel at taxpayer expense), he has nationalized the car companies, he has told banks that they cannot pay back funds to the government until they say so, and has changed the rules so that compensation is now decided by the government. He has spent over 3 trillion dollars and the only way to pay for his porkbarrel spending is by raising taxes, he has allowed the North Koreans to build nuclear weapons, and he has told Iran that they should have nuclear capabilities as well. He has told Isreal to give up land, and praised Muslims for fighting against Christianity (after all "we are no longer a Christian nation"). He has hired a tax cheat to head the IRS, has forced company CEO's to resign, and now he wants doctors to back his 'healthcare program'. Wow, the changes we witness!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Another Barack day

It's a gorgeous June day in Utah. Yet, I feel no sense of joy as the sun is shining so bright and the skies are reflecting a brilliant shade of blue, and the white and fluffy clouds are drifting innocently by. The storm is coming, and yet our faithful president continues along his merry way, adding rules, regulations, 'changes' that will affect not only our individual lives, but the lives of our children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren. The change is wrought, yet we are faced with the consequences of actions taken. And still there are people in America who rejoice at the way we apologize to the world for being what we are...Americans! Formerly we were the light of the world, now (according to our esteemed president) we should be sorry for mistreating the world. Reminds me more and more of Jimmy Carter...by the time he is done we will be a weakened former superpower without the guts or courage to lead anyone, even our own people. Way to go Barack...you certainly brought about change.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Degradation of society

I'm so disappointed in the actions of society that I sometimes just want to scream! It's not that we elected a liberal, socialist leaning president who has flamboozled over half the citizens, and its not that we as a country continue down a merry path to hell, but its the actions of good, honest, hard-working citizens who don't have the common courtesy, the courage, or the loyalty that was shown in previous generations. Standing back and observing the overall lack of these characteristics in society leads me to despair over the course our society has chosen. What I have realized is that it is not very difficult to talk the talk, but it is extremely difficult to walk the walk. It is a much simpler decision to follow the crowd, to do as everyone else is doing, to be part of an accepted group or practice. What is a much more difficult course is to hold to your principles, stand up against wrong or oppression, or walk the walk.

Monday, June 1, 2009


I can hardly believe that it has been over a week since I have written anything on my blog, my apologies to myself and to my very loyal readers! Let's see, Obama now owns 60% of Chevrolet, 80% of AIG, half of all the banking industry, and he wants to spend 1.1 trillion dollars on health care. Is he the miracle man or what? Now all he has to do is pay for all this spending. That's okay though, the presses are running, printing money just as fast as possible. Too bad that all that money is going to be virtually worthless due to inflation, but let's not tell the American public about that, let's just say that there is light at the end of the tunnel...don't let them know its the headlight of an onrushing locomotive! He must think we are the stupidest people on the face of the planet...oh yeah, that's right, we elected him! Guess that verifies our stupidity!

Saturday, May 23, 2009

More cost to the consumer

Busy, busy, busy, that's life in today's hectic world. However, we must always be cognizant of the world around us, and that includes keeping a watchful eye on our socialist president. These deals that he and his administration are making with the car companies are troublesome at the least and downright socialistic as well. For the past few decades the Democrats have told the car companies what standards they have to include on their cars, and Barack is carrying on in that fine tradition. Just think, within a few short years the automobile manufacturers will have to add even more features to each and every car they build. Cost to the consumer? $1300 per vehicle. Thanks Obama, we really appreciate your thinking this through. Just like everything else you do! You are such a genius...why does it always seem that your ideas are so stupid?

Monday, May 18, 2009


I wonder at, contemplate, observe, watch and listen to the events taking place in our world and then wonder if I am so much behind the time that I'm the only one to see what is happening. What is taking place currently, right now, is the exact same scenario that has been played out again and again. I wrote about it before, but it is so important for people to realize what is going on that I am writing about it again. Our society is degenerating, it is now okay to kill babies inside the womb where they are most helpless (and in the most need of care and comfort) and society does not even bat an eye. At the same time, we care more for animals than we do for these babies. We pretend to care for one another, yet society is filled with liars, hypocrits, backstabbers and connivers. I am sometimes saddened by events that don't have any rhyme or reason to them except perhaps to assauge an ego, to make someone feel good. It shows the worth (or lack thereof) of a man who would treat people poorly just for a sense of power, and a temporary sense of power at that. I wonder if these people realize who is really in control?