Friday, April 10, 2009

Help me I being held by pirates!

The American captain of a cargo ship has been taken hostage by Somalians interested only in coercing money from his company for his safe return. Can you imagine his thoughts right now with the knowledge that we have a President that has not one lick of foreign policy experience? We have as a President a man who would negotiate with terrorists, who would sit down with dictators, who claims Iran is a small country that can do us no harm, and a man that hobknobs with terrorists and radicals throughout his entire adult life and that same man is now faced with a situation that calls for some difficult choices. This may be exactly what Joe Biden meant when he said that we would be tested before six months was up. Let's see; North Korea firing missles, terrorists taking captives on the high seas, I hate to even think what's next. It's going to be a long, long four years.

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