Sunday, December 14, 2008

It's a wonderful life

I was writing a critical review yesterday of the movie "It's a Wonderful Life" starring Jimmy Stewart and was able to enjoy watching the film once again. The movie is one of my favorites, though it is in black and white. The main character, George Bailey (played by Stewart) decides to take his own life. An angel by the name of Clarence is sent to show him how asinine a move that would be. If the angel is successful in getting George to change direction, then the angel will earn his 'wings', thereby becoming an Angel FC (first class). Clarence does this by showing George how life would have played out if George had not been part of it. The movie shows a number of examples where individuals who George knows and loves are affected negatively (even dying) if George had not been there. If you have seen the movie you know of what I speak, if you haven't seen the movie, then perhaps you should. What is really amazing is that all of us, as human beings, take actions that either negatively or positively affect other individuals, sometimes we do not realize just how much. My suggestion of the day is to take a moment or so and reflect on your actions, are they ones that you can be proud of? If not, can you make amends? Do you even care? Hopefully, you do. I do. It is my desire to only affect people in ways that will be positive for them. If I have done so, then bully for me. If not, then I have more work to do. I guess I better get on that. Have a great day!

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