Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Society's Path

Tuesday, and the Governor of Illinois has yet to resign. Supposedly caught on tape attempting to sell a Senate seat for up to 1.5 million dollars and he acts as if he has done nothing wrong. He is a product of our society. After seeing Senators trolling for sex in airport bathrooms, observing murderers go completely free from any punishment whatsoever, and watching a President who asks the American people to define sex, what else do we expect? In today's society whatever the individual does is okay, right? Americans cannot expect to show discipline, intelligence and common sense, that would be too much to ask. Instead, we seem to believe that anything goes. Is it just me? Am I the only who thinks this is the wrong path to trod? I sure hope not! Perhaps we should take a step back and think seriously about where we want to go, the legacy we wish to leave, and the society that we are forming. By the way, if you enjoy these blogs, or at least they give you something to think about, feel free to forward them to other individuals. My initial goal is 5000 viewers, and I need your help to accomplish the goal. Thank you. The blog can be accessed at http://dtsrants.blogspot.com/.

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