Friday, May 1, 2009

No more Christians

For anyone who was in doubt when they heard Barack Obama say "America is no longer a Christian nation" you can rest assured that he and his ilk are doing everything in their power to ensure that the statement is true. Under Barack's leadership the National Public Radio has given the axe to every Christian broadcast that is under their jurisdiction. The NPR is worried that they will be promoting good behavior, a belief in Christ and non-diversity. In effect, the NPR is saying that Christians cannot be part of their diversity. Isn't that exactly what the liberals are touting? Isn't it ironic that the party that supposedly represents everyone, the party that supposedly represents minorities, the party that supposedly has compassion and caring as their motto, excludes the very group that touts the exact same thing? What is really worrisome about this entire scenario is that the many of the common masses are so flambozzled that can't even see what's wrong with this situation. After all Christians don't matter, right? And if Christians don't matter, then what group is next? The path to destruction is the path down which we are being led, and it is scary to think that we are doing so without even a whimper of protest.
Ladies and gentlemen, elections have consequences, and when conservatives have to hold their noses in order to choose between the radicalism of Barack Obama, and the moderate John McClain, then something is wrong. What conservatives need is someone who will actually stand up, hold the banner of conservatism high and keep his/her principles! Until that happens we will continue to be discriminated against and shut out of the very process that made America great.

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