Tuesday, June 23, 2009

More and More Obama

Is anyone worried about the state of the world? How about the fact that the United States is no longer looked to as the leader of the freeworld or for promoting democracy? It sure did not take long for Obama to bring us to our knees, did it? Change we can live with...ha ha ha! What a joke! The reason our revered president does not wish to confront the dictators in North Korea or Iran is because he sympathizes with them...they are what he wishes to be. If they are overthrown or challenged in any way, he too can be in that same boat. What is he going to do, except talk? Nothing! Not a damn thing. In fact, he'll release more Islamic extremists to help them. If you don't believe me, then why hasn't he condemned the al Qaeda execution of three Christian missionaries in Yemen? Guess who did the dirty deed? A Gitmo released prisoner. Way to go Obama, I always did think you were an Islamic sympathizer!

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