Saturday, January 3, 2009

Governor Corrupt

I'm so sick of reading and hearing about the Illinois governor that I could just puke. What a scumbag! Then today I read how the esteemed senator from Nevada, Mr Harry Reid, had called the governor before he was arrested to contribute his two cents worth to the situation. First Barack "I've never done anything wrong" Obama, and then Jesse "I have a huge contribution here in my pocket" Jackson Jr., now Harry "the hypocrite" Reid all trying to say they did nothing wrong concerning the governor's attempts to sell the seat. I think we should line them all up and horsewhip a sense of responsiblity into their little pea brains. They are a bunch of thieves, liars, philanderers and despots, yet they think they are above the law. Are we just going to sit back and allow these criminals to run our country completely into the ground? I sure hope not. Please America, come to your senses.

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