Friday, January 30, 2009

It is time to take action! For those of you in Utah who are worried about this so-called 'stimulus package' the two Senators to contact are Orrin Hatch, and Jim Matheson. Their websites are: and When you go to their websites there is a place to send them a message. I sent them both messages telling them not to vote for this pork-barrel filled bill that just gives government more power, authority and control. If you are as concerned as I am, please do the same. This is what the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think tank) wrote about this bill:

No New Jobs or Money. The proposed $825 billion “stimulus” package would not put any new money into the economy. Every dollar lawmakers “inject” into the economy must first be taxed or borrowed out of the economy. Robbing Peter to pay Paul will not make us wealthier or create jobs.
Wasteful Spending. Special interests are lining up to get their piece of the pie. For example, the bill will spend $21 million on new sod for the National Mall in Washington , $600 million on cars for government bureaucrats, and $650 million for digital television converters.
More Bailouts. The “stimulus” rewards states that irresponsibly wasted taxpayer dollars. The legislation contains $87 billion to bail out states that overspent on other programs and didn’t leave money for Medicaid spending.
The Numbers Don’t Add Up. President Obama claims that spending $800 billion would create 3.7 million new jobs. That means taxpayers pay $217,000 per job! Even the average pediatrician or lawyer does not earn nearly as much as these new jobs would cost. It would be cheaper to mail each of these workers a $100,000 check.

It is a power grab by the liberals, and I for one am going to let my voice be heard!

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