Friday, January 9, 2009

Home schooling

I like to read, and I especially enjoy reading news of happenings around our great country and the world. I recently read an article about Idaho lawmakers who feel it necessary to pass into law a bill that protects parents in Idaho against social workers who charge them with 'educational neglect'. The social workers charge some parents who are home schooling their children in order to demand that they return the children to public schools. Once again, I'm going to rail against those government employees who think they know better than we parents do about what is the right education for our children. I wrote an earlier blog about the liberal bias to be found in the educational system, and these abuses by social workers are just another example of how liberals believe that everyone should kowtow to their idea of what is the right, and what is the wrong approach. I like the bill being submitted to Idaho's lawmakers in that it explicitly spells out the rights of parents to keep their kids from being brainwashed by liberal teachers. I considered holding my children out of public schools for a while, but decided not to because they were already learning conservatism in the home, as my wife and I constantly reminded them that they should never take any statements (even by teachers) at face value. I'm glad that I did not pull my kids because they were able to experience firsthand the nonsense that some liberals like to espouse as education. All four of my sons have learned to laugh at such silliness.


colista said...

I am homeschooling Tristan(8) this year and we love it!! There are so many benefits that they cannot get in school. I also have two that are in school, so we are going to play it on a year by year, kid by kid, basis.

colista said...

Oh by the way, I put a link to your blog on my blog, to send more viewers your way.:)