Sunday, February 1, 2009


ACORN and its subsidiaries and spinoffs are set to receive almost $5 billion dollars from the 'stimulus' package the Democrats have shoved down our throats. This is not good. House GOP leader John Boehner is alarmed over the money that is being thrown to groups like ACORN who has been accused of terrorist tactics, voter fraud, corporate shakedowns and partisan bullying.

ACORN, and other similar groups, have held protests across the nation using intimidation and threatening actions to get banks to stop foreclosing on those individuals who are not paying their mortgages. Many of these people who are not paying their mortgages are the same ones who were given loans by those banks after ACORN threatened them in the first place. Talk about a bunch of hypocrits and thieves! Now they are going to be rewarded for helping Obama? With five billion of our dollars? Anybody else see anything wrong with this picture?

I remember the voter questioned in North Carolina at the polls. When asked who she voted for she replied, "Obama, cause with him as President I will no longer have to pay for gas, or my mortgage, or anything!" I guess she was right. Nothing like redistribution of wealth, right?

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