Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I'm shaking my head in disbelief...

The year was 2001, my business had just been shuttered, I had taken every cent I had left to give to the employees that were now out of a job, my house was being foreclosed on, three of my four cars had been repossessed, and life looked to be as bleak and forlorn as it could possibly be. I never once thought about asking the government for help, and in fact blamed myself entirely for making business and financial choices that turned out to be as wrong as they could be. Little did I realize that just eight short years later, the U.S. government would be handing out billions of dollars to save people who had made the same mistakes I had made. Now that I am back on my feet (relatively speaking), the government is going to take the money that I am now earning and give it to those who are 'more deserving' than me. What is wrong with this picture? Is it me, am I the only one out there that is truly bothered by the socialistic aspect of all these 'bailouts'? I saw the Newsweek cover last week that blasts the reader with "We are all Socialists Now". Duh! It took them long enough to realize it, too bad they were trying to be tongue-in-cheek, because in reality that is exactly what we are becoming.

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